Summer Learning

Children are learning from the day they are born, which means getting ready for school begins at infancy. Nurturing relationships and developmentally-appropriate learning experiences set the foundation for children to acquire the skills needed to be successful learners as they enter school. From age birth to 5 children learn confidence and self-control, curiosity, self-reliance, persistence, and the ability to communicate and cooperate, which are all key ingredients of being successful learners.


Quality educational activities during the summer months will support children being ready to either begin school for the first time or return to school after their summer vacation. During the summer there are many ways to keep learning. Enjoy outdoor activities together, such as exploring sand and water at the beach, taking a nature walk, having fun at a local playground, or attending an outdoor community event.


Visit your local museum, zoo, community organization, and library for new things to see, explore, and discover.


Our Tip Sheets and Activity Guides below will give you more ideas for playful learning all summer long!